Litter actions
Throughout 2023, several Litter actions were organised including in Belgium and France. In March of 2023, an action was organised together with GPTW to clean up litter in Hille and Akkerstraat. Clean-up actions were also organised by the enthusiastic staff in the French sites JI Nord, JI Est, JI Soud-Ouest, JI Bretagne, JI Atlantique and Auvergne.

Beach Clean-up
On 9 September 2023, a group of driven employees and family members set out to clean up the beach in Wenduine, preventing waste from entering the North Sea.

Together with a lot of colleagues and family, we went to plant trees in Zedelgem in February 2024! The new forest, Natura 2000 area, is 1.3 ha in size. A mix of native trees such as poplar, willow, black alder, wild rowan, spruce and hazel were planted on it, amounting to almost 2,800 trees, benefiting the nature reserve. A nice step towards a more sustainable future. After the hard work, we enjoyed a relaxing walk and a hot treat. Being together, sharing experiences and gaining new energy for our 'Planet Passionate' mission. The planting was supervised by Bosgroep Houtland, which will also support the owner in managing the forest. That way, the planting will have every opportunity to grow into a valuable, biodiverse and climate-robust forest.