Wouter Mestdagh
career story
When he first started here, Wouter had never heard of Joris Ide. We must have made a great first impression, as he’s still working here after 15 years. Today, he is responsible for making purlins.
How did your career evolve in those 15 years?
I have had many different jobs within Joris Ide. I've worked as a profiler on different lines in the purlins department, as a forklift driver in the warehouse, was responsible for all the accessories and worked on the folding bench for all non-standard folding work. Today I am back at purlins by my own request.
Why the choice to go back to profiles?
My previous position became a little too monotonous for me. At Joris Ide you get the chance to communicate those things. If you don't feel good about your current job, you can bring that up and they will try to find a solution for you.
The work I’m doing now is very varied. I make my own calculations, am allowed to pick and treat the material myself, I take everything to the right place... My favourite part of the job is programming. I make sure that all input is available and ready to process. But I also check whether certain things need to be programmed extra or need to be put on hold. It’s important to get your day off to a good start.

Which part of your job do you like best?
At many other companies, you're operating the same machine day in and day out, doing the same work all the time. Here I have a lot of variety, get a lot of responsibility and I am free in the choices I make. My day flies by, because there is a lot to do. You are so busy and focused that your day passes in 1 2 3. And if a mistake happens, they don't take you to court. Missing is human and Joris Ide understand that.
Is there something else you would like to achieve in your career at Joris Ide?
I am perfectly happy where I am now. Perhaps later on I might like to see another aspect of the production, but we’ll see. I have a great job, time moves fast, my colleagues are great ... Change is not really necessary for me.
So, you get along well with your colleagues?
The atmosphere on the work floor is really good. I get on well with everyone on my team. We respect each other and that makes working pleasant. Of course, there are some people you get along better with. Sometimes it happens that we see each other after working hours. I prefer to keep work and private life separate, but for some colleagues I like to make an exception.
Do you think Joris Ide is a good employer?
It is unbelievable how hard Joris Ide has grown over the past decades. When I started, there were maybe 10 of us in a department. For my team alone, that number has tripled. In the meantime, an extra hangar has been added. And another one. And another ...
Joris Ide gives its employees the opportunity to grow along with them. They really support you in your career. There are plenty of opportunities, you just have to seize them.